Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Hollywood Fairy Tale

Several years ago I wrote a full throttle pro-Angelina post and got a little backlash from commenters and friends.  Today, I don't care that much about the whole Angelina-Brad-Jennifer thing (you like that sandwich?) but I am slightly baffled by the media's obsession not just with Brangenlina (Ewww...I felt a little paparazzi just typing that!) but with the fairy-tale/Hollywood-movie-ending story line of Brad leaving the bad old Angie after six years and going to the good girl Jennifer.  Paleeease!

I'm guessing most of you don't care a bit about any of these people but it's frustrating to be bombarded with such made up drama all the time, especially when there are children involved.  Those children (don't they have six now?) didn't chose to be born/adopted into that family and they don't deserve to have their family dragged through the tabloid mud.


Christy said...

Wait?! I haven't seen any of these covers - did Brad leave Angelina? I hope so - I can't stand her. But I think Jen is WAY above him and I hope she doesn't go back to him. I know, I know, there are kids involved, and this is NONE of my business, but I'm still totally a Jen girl, all the way. hehehe.

Rebecca said...

I see why people might be turned off by Angelina but what's so great about Jennifer? I just don't get it. Still partying and making out with guys backstage (Golden Globes Gerard Butler...yum by the way) is not exactly the role model make.

Christy said...

True, she's not a role model, I just love her and I don't know why. Kind of like Julia Roberts. I've heard something icky about Julia Roberts in real life, but I refuse to believe it because she's so pretty. Apparently, when it comes to my celebrity crushes, I'm so petty! haha!

Coco said...

Honestly...If I were Jen I would NEVER take him back. He burned her in the worst way. Plus that goatee looks like crap. Yuck.

Rebecca said...

Coco - You're so right about that goatee...ewww.

sherilee said...

This one baffles me--as you know! I mean, really? Why would Jen even want him back? Especially with that awful facial hair. I find the media's fascination with this completely off the rails. I am off to read your original Angelina post--I can't remember if I've read it before, but I have some pro-Ang thoughts and some pro-Jen thoughts... I'm a fence-rider, yep. But Brad, not so much.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I have to admit. I totally bought US Weekly today for that headline alone. So ridiculous since it's proably not true - and even if it is...well, that's Hollywood right? The part that's just silly is Jennifer Aniston coming back into the picture. Even US didn't try to spin that. I wonder why the tabloids are still so stuck on that failed marriage. Again - hello! It's Hollywood. How is that interesting?

And I was going to say that same thing as Coco. I imagine Jen has had many good laugh at his nasty chin dreads.

Anonymous said...

I think everybody wants to see them fail, they are a Hollywood couple with 6 kids, they can't be happy!
You should wright about Heidi Montag, the 23 year old actress with "10 plastic surgeries" in one day, that is a good subject to debate!
