Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A World Between Have and Want

This is what I have...

...and this is what I want.   :-)


katie said... too!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

SO with you...

Daphne said...

We don't have that snow, but we definitely don't have the crystal blue waters...or palm trees...or a nice cabana boy with a daiquiri.

Rebecca said...

Ooohhhh cabana boy with a daiquiri sounds reeeeeally good right now! :)

sherilee said...

I love the title to this post! I think some days we all straddle the line between what we have and what we want... I'd actually take either of those pictures right now. Odd, I know.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Me too!

Christy said...

Me too!!!!!!!