Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Remembering The Sweet Moments

You know how there are those small moments in life that completely blow you away emotionally.  Beautiful moments you wish you could bottle and release when things don't look so rosy?

I had two of them recently with my oldest son.  And for no other reason than to make sure I remember them, I'm writing them down:

I was shepherding my boys up the stairs to get ready for bed.  My oldest son stopped, looked up at me and asked me to carry him.  I haven't carried him up the stairs in years since he's almost five but I was feeling nostalgic of the time when he was a little boy so I said sure.  I lifted him up and held him tight against me.  He put his arms around me neck, leaned his head on my shoulder and whispered "you're the best mommy in the world, I love you so much."  OMG, I melted inside but tried to keep it together and just said "I love you too."

A few days later....

After having a few hours of some special one-on-one time with him, I caught him staring into the distance.  I asked him what he was thinking about.  He looked up at me with his big brown eyes and said "I was thinking about what to make for you to say thank you for what you did."

Again, OMG, could life be like this every day?  

Write down the special moments with your kids somewhere so you can go back and remember them when they're teenagers that just grunt at you and run up to their rooms.   :)


Christy said...

Such sweet memories! I have a couple like that that I've been meaning to journal. Thanks for the reminder - and for sharing - brought a smile to my face!

K said...

So precious. Those beautiful moments make the hard days disappear.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

absolutely lovely! you are so blessed.

sherilee said...

So glad you wrote those down! How lovely.

mel said...

So wonderful. I have tears in my eyes imagining what that must have been like. Lucky mommy.

Arwen isn't talking yet, but sometimes she looks hard at me, puts her arms around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder. And when I think it can't get any better, she looks up again and smiles so big then kisses me. The world disappears and there is nothing but she and I...

dearheart said...

Wow. Validation, sweet validation! I'm glad you captured those memories in print.

Chris said...

Those are the sweetest moments. I could feel my own as I read your's. Thank you.

Karen said...

Aww, that is the cutest story! Hopefully you'll be spared of the worst high school antics :)

katie said...

thanks for sharing!!!

Rebecca said...

Thanks ladies. I'd love to hear your stories too, even the smallest gestures can mean so much from the ones you love.