Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ready to Learn

I'm so excited.  I had a great talk with my mom and she was so supportive of my book project.  This was the first time that I felt like she really understood what I was trying to do and saw my vision for the book. I read her the summary of what the book would be about and she thought it was great.

You know how sometimes you want to do something but the timing just doesn't seem right for one reason or another.  It could be because you're just not ready or the circumstances around you are not aligned for the thing you want to happen.

Well, I've wanted to write a book for many years but I've never felt like the elements in my life were right for it and looking back, I was not ready either.  I needed time to explore different things and to learn about both the writing process and my own capabilities.

Now that I'm ready and other elements seem to also be falling into place.  I'm ready to ask the right questions about how to do this and I have a better picture of the areas that I need to research and improve to put out a good story.  I'm so excited about this process.

Does that make any sense?


Christy said...

Totally does. So excited for you!!!

katie said...

all the sense in the world!!!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Makes perfect sense. Can't wait to hear/read how it goes.

Karen said...

Wow, that's fantastic! Best of luck with the venture, it's great that you have support right from the start :)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Can't wait to talk more about this in person!

mel said...

Makes perfect sense! How exciting! Can't wait to hear/read more about it! Good luck!

slow panic said...

i'm sorry i've gotten so behind in my blog reading -- all this sounds wonderful! can't wait to hear more

Kim said...

This is really, really wonderful! Big hug.