Saturday, January 23, 2010

Complicated Is So Funny!

I went out with a few of my girl friends last night and saw It's Complicated. was so funny! We laughed our butts off. I would see it again just to see the gorgeous scenery (Santa, that's a beautiful place...who gets to live there and what do I need to do to end up there one day?). And Alec Baldwin, he was hilarious...suprisingly fat and hairy but hilarious and kinda sexy. And Meryl Streep, wow, perfect for that role. The only thing I found a little strange was Steve Martin's face. If you've seen it, tell me what you think...wasn't his face a little weird? It just didn't seem...right.

I just loved the movie and would totally recommend it.


Christy said...

I LOVED it too. Though I must admit, I was rooting for the guy who DIDN'T end up with the girl! Fabulously funny - and I would love to see it again too!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I am dying to see this movie! I do not want to wait until the dvd comes out.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

BTW, the word verification on my comment was sperm.

Rebecca said...

Christy - I would totally see with you again if you come over here and want to do a girls night out!!! :)

Anna - OMG, that's so weird and kinda gross about the word verification. And you're welcome to join us for the girl's night out if Christy makes it over here.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I haven't seen it - but will definitely put it in my Netflix queue. Do you think the difference was Botox?

Rebecca said...

Kate - I definitely think Steve Martin has had "work" done on his face. I think it's too bad, his natural face had more character.

Lynne said...

I loved seeing a woman write for women...the way she talked to her friends, the way she talked to her kids. I laughed throughout the movie and had no idea that Alec Baldwin could be funny. Steve Martin gave a very good, understated performance. His face did look he had been botoxed or facelifted or something...

lynne at fairpoint dot net

Rebecca said...

Lynne - I so agree. I was thrilled when I found out a woman wrote and directed it. The whole movie felt so authentic (as movies go these days)!

Anonymous said...

I told you :)

Big hug,

TLBM said...

Ditto! This was one of the best movies (for women) i have seen in a long time! I could watch it again. The scenery, etc... was great and of course it was fun hanging out with two of my favorite people ; ) Let's do it again soon!!