Monday, February 1, 2010

Glimpses of Cuarnavaca

In honor of one of my best friend's tenth wedding anniversary, I wanted to share a few pictures of one of the best weekends of my life and loveliest cities I've visited.  Ten years ago, I was lucky enough to be part of a beautiful wedding in Cuarnavaca, Mexico.  Have you ever been?  If you ever go to Mexico City, you need to take the trip south to this gem of a city.

I knew nothing about the city and was a little nervous on the hour and half bus ride south from Mexico City.  It was hot and I was exhausted from the trip down but the minute I got off the bus I was impressed by the city's charm.  The weekend was filled with celebration, laughter and joy and a great deal of exploration of the city.  Here are just a few pictures of the wedding weekend.

We all stayed at the Rancho Cuernava.    It's an old fashioned ranch with lost of splendid gardens and romantic rooms.  My room had a fireplace which was such a treat.  It was cold enough at night that I think we actually used it!

The rehearsal dinner was at one of the most historic and beautiful sites in Cuernavaca, the Hacienda Cortes, a sixteenth century sugar cane hacienda founded by Hernandez Cortes.  The first picture is of two of the bride's close friends singing her a song that they had written for her.  Can you imagine?  It was cool!

And the wedding was at an old church called la Parroquia del Divino Salvador in the nearby town of Ocotepec. 

Isn't this carriage romantic?

I love the great columns in this picture.  I don't even remember them probably because I was too wrapped up in the wedding moments but looking at them, the details are so intricate.  

Happy 10th Anniversary my dear friend!


bernthis said...


Coco said...

How on Earth did she find such a place. Sounds like it was in the middle of nowhere.

Rebecca said...

bernthis - It was! :)

Coco - She had family in the area and it's actually bigger city than the pictures let on.

Christy said...

Breathtaking - and I love how the photos look so old.

Rose Bermejo said...

Yes, I have been there many times and two of my cousins got married in that Rancho and Church too. Cuernavaca it's a common place where people likes to get married for all the things that you said.
And also has an amazing weather all year long.
Nice pictures!

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Mexico City I went regularly to this beautiful place. It is called the eternal spring because the weather warm all year round. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I see by the pictures you got a taste of the best of this place!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Beautiful pictures. I would love to have experienced that.