Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here's To The Girls Night Out

When it comes time to leaving the house for a girls night out I always hesitate.  I'm desperate to stay home.  Usually it's because I'm tired from a long day of kids, working, errands or simply running around and I just want to stay home and relax with my husband.  But then I think of my dear friends that are going to be trekking out (in this freezing weather) to meet me at whatever fun location we've decided to gather and I muster up all the energy I have left and head out the door.

I'm still not totally on board when I reach the restaurant but then we all get there and hug and settle in for a night of girl talk.  And within minutes I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my life.  Friends to share the daily ups and downs of being a mother, a wife and a woman.  We share so much of ourselves without fear of judgement.  We laugh with each other at the silly things and encourage and support each other for the more serious moments.  We talk and talk until late in to the night and leave the place with a big smile on our faces.  

Thank goodness for girls nights out!


Anonymous said...

I love girls nights out too:)
it's easier for me to deal with many things after all the talk we have..
Thank you:) N

Anonymous said...

I would be a total reck without my girls!!!! I too can sometimes feel a bit pooped at the end of the day and just want to stay home and relax but then I remember all the good times I have after a night out and realize it's so worth making the effort! I always leave with a big smile on my face and the need for more.
I'm so sad I missed this last one but hopefully we can plan a next one really soon.

Christy said...

I totally feel the same way. Sort of dreading the event until I'm actually there. I haven't a proper girls night in ages! In fact, since I had one with you in what, October?! Ridiculous!!! Oh wait, that's not true. I went out with the girls here in new jersey just last week. Doh. Pregnancy brain!!! hahah!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Amen! I wish I went out more than I did. I really do love it. Even though I hate leaving my little guys. They're pretty attached to me and the guilt can be unbearable!