Monday, February 22, 2010

Getaway To Thomasville

I am at the airport on my way home from a lovely weekend with my husband and some friends (sans kids!).  I always look forward to our weekend getaways like a little kid looks forward to Christmas.  I dream about it while the kids are climbing all over me, I smile about it as I'm running around the kitchen making the third meal and/or snack that is being demanded by each child, and I hunger for it as I patiently listen to my children yelling my name throughout the house.

And then the day finally comes and we're off.  Ready to enjoy a few days of grown up conversation, meals without interruption, and maybe even a movie!  And at first I love it.  Reading my book on the plane in silence without anyone climbing all over me wanting my attention.  But after a day or so the joy of being free turns into an emptiness.  I just don't feel right without the kids and the three or four calls to them doesn't do anything to help with my yearning to fly right back home.  I love being alone with my husband and I have a blast when we get to see our friends but I just don't like being away from the kids.  Part of it is the worry of something happening and me not being there and the other part is simply missing their presence around me.  Being able to give them a hug or kiss and seeing their smiling face.

Having said all that, I still love getting away for a few days.  It helps me recharge and allows me to look at my life with a fresh perspective.

And it's also fun seeing new places.  Here are a few pictures from our visit to the Pebble Hill Plantation in Thomasville, Georgia!  It was such a lovely town.


Christy said...

Gorgeous photos! I totally know what you mean - though I haven't gone away with Matt, I did spend one night in NYC with a girlfriend, and I was incredibly homesick. One day we'll go away on our own and I'm sure I'll miss them like crazy, while enjoying just adult time. :-)

Style Key West said...

It's a catch 22. I love getting out - but I really don't like being away from my children for very long. Especially at night. They just really need me and there isn't anyone who fills mom role who can take care of them for a weekend. And I have strong memories of the horrible times that my own mom was away. I was very attached to her and when she was gone for a night or more everything seemed so bleak. Maybe that makes me more touchy about this subject. But I assume it will get better as they get older. But that seems a long way off...

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Ooops! That last one was from me. I was doing some work for SKW and I guess I didn't log out.

Rebecca said...

If I didn't have something that the kids loved and I trusted 100%, I wouldn't go either. They have a good time because it's like a little vacation for them with a bit less strict rules. But a few days is all I think that is good for me and for them...

TLBM said...

Wow! Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I LOVE the Spanish moss hanging from the trees and the horses. The English type garden hedges beckon you to take a walk through them. How fun! Time away together and with another fun couple is time well spent. Having just done some of the same in SF with some very good friends, i am reminded of how important it is even though the inevitable ambivalence is always there since we do not like to leave the little ones. Go! is the message. Thanks for sharing!

sherilee said...

So nice to have a little getaway time, I agree. The missing part makes the getting away just a bit sweeter, I think. And you got to escape snow, how lovely for you!!