Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should We Party With Oscar?

The oscar nominations are out and I for one am excited!

I think there have been some really great movies this past year and I am looking forward to seeing who walks away with the golden statue.  I know, I sound like Billy Bush (the guy from Access Hollywood) but I genuinely enjoy the whole movie process and there is a thrill in seeing your favorite movie or actor winning.  

The only problem is that since I've had kids, I can barely make it to the movies so it's hard for me to see even a portion of the nominated movies before the Oscars.  But this year, I'm going to challenge myself to somehow see the major contenders before the big night.  I might even throw together an Oscar night party at my place if I'm able to achieve this very silly but fun goal.

Who's with me?  Any thoughts of doing the same?


Christy said...

I'm in! I've seen one or two nominated films, and I want to see a couple of others!

katie said...

if i wasn't 2000+ miles away, i'd be in FOR SURE!!!

3XMom said...

Last year AMC theaters did a whole day (saturday) where they showed the 5 nominated movies back to back. It was AWESOME! DH was a saint and watched the kids so I could go with a friend. Now that there are 10 nominees for best picture, I don't know what they will do. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm the huge fan of Oscar...I'm so in! For the movies and for the Oscar night celebration!..N

elda said...

Oh that would be so much fun! I think it would be fun to even dress up for the occasion as if we too were famous stars!
I too have missed out on so many movies now that I"m a mom. :(

bernthis said...

I would have to load up on babysitter money to do that, oh and be okay with seeing most if not all of them by myself. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that

Anonymous said...

I'm in!!! I'm a big fan of any award show but my favorite are the Oscars.

Once I had an Oscar night party in a friend's house and it was very fun :)
