Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Cookies Meet LOST

When my friend Christy told me to check out a food blog called My First Kitchen, I had no idea that I would find the marriage of two of my favorite things...cookies and the show LOST!  

Kendra has some yummy stuff on her blog but these are what caught my eye.  Aren't they great?

Take a look at her post if you want to see how to make these!  :)


Daphne said...

Two of MY favorite things are cookies and Lost! We made fish biscuits for our Tuesday night Lost bash. (Hey, you got yourself a fish biscuit. Only took the bears 2 hours.)

Christy said...

Oh those are great - love them! Glad you like her site too!

katie said...

how FUN are those?!?!?

and the guitar case is the BEST!!!

Rebecca said...

I just loved the broken airplane cookie...I laughed out loud! :)

sherilee said...

I don't even watch the show and I think those are clever! I'm going to go check out My First Kitchen!

Karen said...

That is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen! These will be present at my Lost Finale party in May :)